Saturday, October 16, 2010

The beginning and the end!

The beginning of what you may say?  And what exactly would be ending?  Well I am hopeful that this is a beginning of an outlet for the never ending cycle of thoughts that take place with every second.  Alas in an effort to displace them allowing room for common sense to arise I often make these posts on FB that break the allowed word barrier.  Then begins another whole process of turning "and" into &'s, abbreviating every word possible, toning down the numerous adjectives.  Updates I am told (most of the time with a good natured smirk) are supposed to be one MAYBE two liners.  I however have refined the art of the fb status update paragraph.

Ahh! But yes I mentioned ending.  What I am hoping will end is this question-  Becca, do you have a blog?  Why not?  And the immediate feeling of total uncoolness that promptly follows.  

What should one expect from this blog, dear indulgent family member or friend?  Lots of rambling because that is what I am really adept at second only to laughing....... so expect long posts!  Poor writing with comma splices, run-ons, fragments, strange punctuations, capital letters where none should be and so on and so on.  I used to be embarrassed about this fact. Now I am just embarrassed that I am know longer embarrassed.   Especially when it comes to one's attention that I am a homeschool mom.  But lets clear up a misconception here (rabbit trail time I know, I know.)!  Just because one is a homeschool mom does not make it follow that she is excellent in grammar, could write a best seller, thinks calculus is a cinch, can fill the periodic table without a cheat sheet, and knows every history date you throw at her.  We just do our best, research constantly, and PRAY like there is no tomorrow.   This wisdom comes not from me rather stems from the many sighs I have heard and have made myself during homeschool discussions.   There that rabbit trial followed all the way to its conclusion.  Back to what you should expect.   I truly would like to assure you that this blog will give you wonderful words of wisdom,  words that speak like poetry, helpful little tips on being a wife, mother, homeschooler, decorater, a frugal woman.  Beautiful pictures of mantels, homemade crafts, yummy new recipes, and God's nature to enhance the words.  There is a big however here though!  I so admire those bloggers.  This sadly is not a blog of such caliber.   I will talk a LOT about my children and husband.  I am quite certain that I have the absolute best husband and children that ever were created!  Here it is, reader of one or two, my little tidbit of the day. ;-)  if you do not think your hubby and children are the best ones in this world I encourage you to take another look.  Notice I said think not that they are.  And not that you should be blind to imperfections.  Just that focusing on their amazing greatness will help you get through those days when it gets tough.   Focus on the bad the world turns dark quickly.  Focus on the good and things are so much better.   God gave us that hubby.  He allowed those children to grow in our bodies and hearts.  Sometimes in some blessed cases just the mothers heart.   So I shall talk often of  my Love and my Blessings. They are my best fit, and I am theirs.  How reassuring is that!!! There is such joy in this.  Do you feel it?  Does it not just lighten your heart?
And most certainly,   I will talk of a God who lives within me. He who is my everything.   He directs my steps.  He sent His only Son.  Can you fathom it?  Exodus 15:2 says "The Lord is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation: He is my God and I will prepare Him an habitation:my father's God, and I will exalt Him.

I warned you that I talk a lot.  So what would I like to say to finally finish this first post. .  Just that  I am me.  This blog will be absolutely me.  Not the perception of me that I like to think I may someday be.-  a LONG time away if I keep growing at such a snails pace.  Boy! sin is persistent. Romans 7 says this...
 15For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.
 16If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good.
 17Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
 18For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.
 19For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.
 20Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
Praise the Lord my Lord is so gracious, so patient, so understanding.  And my prayer- that a few years down the road if this is still working for me I will see a written record of growth.  A diary of the Lord's work in a woman who needs a lot of work.  I struggle, I rejoice, I hurt, I laugh, and mostly I SEEK!


  1. Yeah for your blog!!! Now I can be picking your brain until we can find the time to get together!!! And I'm the first one, so far!!
    Welcome to the world of Blogdom!!

  2. Welcome to the world of blogging, Becca!!! :) I will be eagerly reading your posts in the hopes of homeschooling my own blessings next year or the following. Any tips and ideas on what works to occupy the littlest people while teaching the bigger ones? That one has me stumped right now. I would love to hear your ideas! :)

  3. yay for blogging! i still thought you were cool before the blog! welcome welcome!

  4. Thanks for the welcome, my friends.

    @ Jennie! I guess that is quite fair since I am constantly picking yours at yours.

    @ Nancy- Certainly. I will make it a blog post priority. :-)

    @ Laura- Thanks! Maybe it is you rubbing off on me. ;-)

  5. At 6AM, I LAUGHED OUT LOUD during the 1st paragraph! "FB status update paragraph!" Ha!! Perfect description of my Becca! ;)
