Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Happy Transfer of Germs

What a strange title one may say to which I would have to agree.  But then as those who have known me longest can attest I tend toward strange thoughts at times.  Especially when I have a lot of time for thinking.  The last few nights have given me lots of time to go off on winding mental paths.  I am writing this begging no one to call me a Pollyanna.  I really dislike that.  Maybe because I tended to be called Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm a lot growing up.  I mean how unoriginal is that. 

The Woodpile has been ill.  The yucky kind of virus that has one up all night (7 nights to be exact) cooling feverish brows and calming croupy coughs.  This virus was denounced repeatedly in many forms and many ways.  Now denounce does mean public reprimand, and most certainly my family and friends would have probably preferred me to be less public about it.  Remember I said repeatedly.  Some got to hear it more than others- thanks Hubby, Mom, and sisters!!!  (Side note- isn't it great to have family that has to listen to your whining because well... they're family!!!)  Amongst all this whining and bemoaning a still small voice was persistent in being heard.  One at times has to be VERY persistent with me.  And in the middle of one of those long nights I started thinking of the others who also where going through this with their families.  Namely many of our church family were also struggling with it.  Shame slowly arose as I realized yet again I was being selfish- an affliction I tend to struggle with.   This virus was not attacking just ME- making only my life difficult. I was not its personal vendetta as much as it might feel like it.  We shared the germs around.  Lots of love in our church, but it is not the only thing that sometimes gets around.

Remember I said I go off on strange paths.  Well I went from boohoo me to sympathy for all fellow church family viral warfare-rs   to thinking about how blessed I really was.  Because you see as I said above we share a lot of love in our church.  I saw this daily while sick. I saw it from texts, facebook messages, voicemail (because I couldn't talk to answer the phone I wasn't dissing you I promise.  Well maybe you, Han.  But hey, you are my little sister.  You have to be dissed at times.  It keeps you humble) from the offers to help, the heart and body nourishing soup brought by a friend who had her own sick blessings etc etc.   I saw it in the FB message from my friend Tina that left me feeling hugged and assured me I am not the only one who gos off on strange paths. ;-)  I don't think she will mind if I share parts of it.  Just remember while reading it that Tina sees in others one of her greatest strengths.  Magnifying them in those around her- especially me.

So sorry to hear you're sick, Mama.
I read this and thought of you: "Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart...." 1 Peter 1:22. As I observed you this past weekend, it occurred to me how fervently you love people............Your love is contagious. God bless you! Get some rest, friend. Love you......

First I smiled through tears because it came at a low point that day.  But of course she was listening to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. He sent it at the perfect time through a willing vessel.   Then I laughed because I was thinking the same thing... that love can be contagious.  Tina will not be surprised.  We tend to do that.

Germs are not the only contagious thing.   My kids and I might have caught a few germs from our wonderful church family. (and er, maybe given more than a few).  But they give us oh so much more.  I think of one little boy who models a gentle spirit.  Another little girl who gives the gift of laughter to others so easily.  The young lady who lets our Cupcake hang all over her and listens with a gleam in her eye to Brownie's non-stop talking.  Four boys who share their joy of being in our oldest son's presence without shame but freely show their love. The young lady who uses her talents for the enjoyment of others and the edification of  young friends.  The little one who sees my Brownie look longingly at her beautiful pink leotard and says, "you can borrow it if you like even though it is my favorite".  A friend who shares her weaknesses making us all feel better about our own.   Another friend who listens so well.  The friend who is going thru difficult times right now but her smile speaks of Christ's love and her words speak of His comfort. I cannot speak of them all.  The joy they bring, the way they show our family what true Christian love should be.They give and give and give.  And we are better for it.  That transfers to us every time we are in their presence.  What are a few germs compared to all that.  

Yes, Tina.  Love was truly contagious in the last few weeks.  Living Faith Baptist Church I will happily share your germs any day!!!  

But what about Christ's love- it is not just contagious. It saves us all.   John 3:16  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  Do you know this love?  The love behind all love!  Because without His love all we would be sharing would be germs.


  1. What a sweet perspective. I love how you always find the joy in what God has in store! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Becca, you have such a sweet and encouraging spirit. I love the way you always find the silver lining in everyone and everything. You inspire me to do the same!! Thanks you for sharing your LOVE with us!!
