Friday, January 21, 2011

Don't Make It Weird!!!

Around the table pencils, crayons, watercolors bring to life the creativity each child holds inside. As do all there is one who desires admiration of the work that came heart birthed. "Look at what I made!" says Fudge Brownie. Smiling with all the joy that fills most every action. The smile that lights up my heart.

But then as often happens one must account for big brothers. "Who are those people in the picture." he says. "They are Isabella, Kimberly, Izabel, Saryn, Sophie, Mikaela, and Joshua" she says confidently. Those friends she loves so dear. Big brother frowns, "Why is Joshua in your picture. There should only be girls in your picture. You can't have a boy friend." Already that protective streak surges ready to protect from harm. But my Fudge Brownie frowns furiously,  " Don't make it weird, Andrew.  Don't make it weird."

I laugh delighted with the by-play of brother and sister. The two who fight but love so fiercely. Yet other thoughts spin around my head.

Do we make it weird?
When people confuse us with actions that we don't quite understand? When one speaks, and we make more of it than we should? 
Do I make it weird? Do I attend to closely applying everything to myself? Do I dare to think it applies all to me?  Or do I live with humility understanding that in the scheme of things I matter small. Understanding that my understanding is my own. Leaving the meaning for them-  not applying my own. Do I overlook a matter looking instead into the heart? Do I dwell on the unimportant allowing the important to be swallowed up?

DO I TAKE FROM HIM? Giving my time and attention to making weird those earthly things instead of glorifying God who gives me all. My Lord who should be the center of my every thought.

Questions I must answer yes to more often than not. My mind redirects. My heart repurposes. I move back to simply resting. Simply applying God's truth instead of trying to employ my imperfect reasoning.

And I smile to myself . Yet again the Lord has taught me through those He has gifted me.

Proverbs 28:26
He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered.

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